Walz offered $200 per child's life to Minnesotans during Covid
(too old to reply)
Chips Loral
2024-08-14 15:24:39 UTC
Just tuck it away in their college fund, odds are you'll spend it on a
casket after the clot shot does its damage.

The man is a genocidal freak!


In early January 2022, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who was just selected to
be Kamala Harris’ running mate, tried to bribe Minnesota families into
“vaccinating” their children with the latest shots for the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19).

In a then-Twitter post, Walz offered families who jabbed their children
aged five through 11 a $200 reward, which he saw as a fitting amount to
forever ruin the immune systems of little ones throughout his state.

“That’s cash in your pocket for starting the year off right by
protecting your child from COVID,” Walz declared in the post, dated Jan.
11, 2022.

Dubbed “Kids Deserve a Shot,” the program from Walz was eventually ended
and the Twitter post in question removed. Perhaps Walz is embarrassed
now about what he did, or maybe it’s bad for he and Kamala Harris’
chances of getting elected this fall?

“Minnesota families who get their child 5-11 years old fully vaccinated
in January and February can get a $200 Visa gift card,” read the
official website for Kids Deserve a Shot.

“Parents / Guardians can register their 5- to 11-year-old once they have
completed their two-dose series.”

But wait...there's more:

Walz also created college scholarship lottery baiting young Minnesotans
into getting COVID jabbed
In addition to the $200 gift card scheme, Walz also set up a
taxpayer-funded lottery system offering five $100,000 scholarships to
five children aged five through 11 whose parents agreed to get them
injected for the Chinese virus.

“All Minnesotans 5-11 years old who completed their first and second
doses at any point in time will be eligible to be entered for a chance
to win a $100,000 college scholarship,” the website for that scheme

As all of this was happening, Walz also set up a snitching hotline for
Minnesota’s COVIDiots to rat out their non-compliant neighbors for
violating his stay-at-home orders.

“A hotline set up by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration to monitor
compliance with his 2020 stay-at-home order generated thousands of
reports from Minnesotans who snitched on their neighbors for things like
playing basketball in a park, walking their dogs, and throwing small
parties,” Alpha News reported.

Shane Trejo of Big League Politics says Walz deserved to be put behind
bars for his many crimes against humanity throughout the “pandemic.”

“Gov. Walz deserves to be behind bars with the likes of the American
Mengele Dr. Anthony Fauci for crimes against humanity for his COVID
policies,” Trejo wrote in a post on his Substack.

“Kamala Harris’ choice of Gov. Walz as her Vice President ought to be
interpreted as a declaration of war against the American public.”

⚰️ ⚰️ ⚰️ ⚰️
2024-08-14 17:20:43 UTC
Post by Chips Loral
Just tuck it away in their college fund, odds are you'll spend it on a
casket after the clot shot does its damage.
1. The vaccine was safe; as safe as any vaccine can be. Were there some
adverse reactions? Of course. But the risk of dying from COVID was much

2. He left the choice in the hands of the parents.
Chips Loral
2024-08-14 20:22:49 UTC
Post by Alan
The vaccine was safe;
Just tuck it away in their college fund, odds are you'll spend it on a
casket after the clot shot does its damage.

The man is a genocidal freak!


In early January 2022, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who was just selected to
be Kamala Harris’ running mate, tried to bribe Minnesota families into
“vaccinating” their children with the latest shots for the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19).

In a then-Twitter post, Walz offered families who jabbed their children
aged five through 11 a $200 reward, which he saw as a fitting amount to
forever ruin the immune systems of little ones throughout his state.

“That’s cash in your pocket for starting the year off right by
protecting your child from COVID,” Walz declared in the post, dated Jan.
11, 2022.

Dubbed “Kids Deserve a Shot,” the program from Walz was eventually ended
and the Twitter post in question removed. Perhaps Walz is embarrassed
now about what he did, or maybe it’s bad for he and Kamala Harris’
chances of getting elected this fall?

“Minnesota families who get their child 5-11 years old fully vaccinated
in January and February can get a $200 Visa gift card,” read the
official website for Kids Deserve a Shot.

“Parents / Guardians can register their 5- to 11-year-old once they have
completed their two-dose series.”

But wait...there's more:

Walz also created college scholarship lottery baiting young Minnesotans
into getting COVID jabbed
In addition to the $200 gift card scheme, Walz also set up a
taxpayer-funded lottery system offering five $100,000 scholarships to
five children aged five through 11 whose parents agreed to get them
injected for the Chinese virus.

“All Minnesotans 5-11 years old who completed their first and second
doses at any point in time will be eligible to be entered for a chance
to win a $100,000 college scholarship,” the website for that scheme

As all of this was happening, Walz also set up a snitching hotline for
Minnesota’s COVIDiots to rat out their non-compliant neighbors for
violating his stay-at-home orders.

“A hotline set up by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration to monitor
compliance with his 2020 stay-at-home order generated thousands of
reports from Minnesotans who snitched on their neighbors for things like
playing basketball in a park, walking their dogs, and throwing small
parties,” Alpha News reported.

Shane Trejo of Big League Politics says Walz deserved to be put behind
bars for his many crimes against humanity throughout the “pandemic.”

“Gov. Walz deserves to be behind bars with the likes of the American
Mengele Dr. Anthony Fauci for crimes against humanity for his COVID
policies,” Trejo wrote in a post on his Substack.

“Kamala Harris’ choice of Gov. Walz as her Vice President ought to be
interpreted as a declaration of war against the American public.”

⚰️ ⚰️ ⚰️ ⚰️
Chips Loral
2024-08-15 16:15:49 UTC
Post by Alan
The vaccine was safe
Just tuck it away in their college fund, odds are you'll spend it on a
casket after the clot shot does its damage.

The man is a genocidal freak!


In early January 2022, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who was just selected to
be Kamala Harris’ running mate, tried to bribe Minnesota families into
“vaccinating” their children with the latest shots for the Wuhan
coronavirus (COVID-19).

In a then-Twitter post, Walz offered families who jabbed their children
aged five through 11 a $200 reward, which he saw as a fitting amount to
forever ruin the immune systems of little ones throughout his state.

“That’s cash in your pocket for starting the year off right by
protecting your child from COVID,” Walz declared in the post, dated Jan.
11, 2022.

Dubbed “Kids Deserve a Shot,” the program from Walz was eventually ended
and the Twitter post in question removed. Perhaps Walz is embarrassed
now about what he did, or maybe it’s bad for he and Kamala Harris’
chances of getting elected this fall?

“Minnesota families who get their child 5-11 years old fully vaccinated
in January and February can get a $200 Visa gift card,” read the
official website for Kids Deserve a Shot.

“Parents / Guardians can register their 5- to 11-year-old once they have
completed their two-dose series.”

But wait...there's more:

Walz also created college scholarship lottery baiting young Minnesotans
into getting COVID jabbed
In addition to the $200 gift card scheme, Walz also set up a
taxpayer-funded lottery system offering five $100,000 scholarships to
five children aged five through 11 whose parents agreed to get them
injected for the Chinese virus.

“All Minnesotans 5-11 years old who completed their first and second
doses at any point in time will be eligible to be entered for a chance
to win a $100,000 college scholarship,” the website for that scheme

As all of this was happening, Walz also set up a snitching hotline for
Minnesota’s COVIDiots to rat out their non-compliant neighbors for
violating his stay-at-home orders.

“A hotline set up by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration to monitor
compliance with his 2020 stay-at-home order generated thousands of
reports from Minnesotans who snitched on their neighbors for things like
playing basketball in a park, walking their dogs, and throwing small
parties,” Alpha News reported.

Shane Trejo of Big League Politics says Walz deserved to be put behind
bars for his many crimes against humanity throughout the “pandemic.”

“Gov. Walz deserves to be behind bars with the likes of the American
Mengele Dr. Anthony Fauci for crimes against humanity for his COVID
policies,” Trejo wrote in a post on his Substack.

“Kamala Harris’ choice of Gov. Walz as her Vice President ought to be
interpreted as a declaration of war against the American public.”

⚰️ ⚰️ ⚰️ ⚰️
Chips Loral
2024-08-15 16:53:18 UTC
The DNC leftard crybabies will RIOT and KILL to get what they want:


GPS—Over 30,000 international antifa have already arrived in the Chicago
area, with approximately 500-850 more arriving each day.


The left has whipped up its supporters into a frenzy believing they must
stop “the great Hitler.” Former National Security Council staff member
Rich Higgins, a Pentagon irregular warfare expert, told the Washington
Times, “Antifa’s goal is nothing less than fomenting revolution, civil
war and silencing America’s anti-communists. Their labeling of Trump
supporters and patriots as Nazis and racists is standard fare for
left-wing communist groups.”

It is common to hear Antifa state that people on the right are even
worse than Nazis. One member stated, ‘Fascists, by being Fascists, have
announced their affiliation with many of the worst crimes in human
history. In some ways, they are worse than the average member of the
actual nazi party was, because they look back at Hitler’s crimes and
revere it in full knowledge of what it wrought.”

Another Antifa member said, “it’s not just about punching a Nazi in the
face. It’s also punching a Nazi in the face and making sure they don’t
come back again.”

Antifa rioted at the Trump presidential inauguration in 2017, injuring
six police officers and resulting in the arrest of 217 people that day.
According to CNN, “black-clad ‘antifascist’ protesters smashed
storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and
eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police.” In addition to the
violence at the Capitol, rioting broke out in other big cities,
including New York, Seattle, Dallas, Chicago and Portland, Oregon. One
person ended up in critical condition at a hospital with a gunshot wound.

Journalist Christopher F. Rufo explained in City Journal how leftist
groups have become very coordinated and prepared for rioting. “Left-wing
activists have established a constellation of institutions to support
public demonstrations,” he said. “Protest NGOs, media entities, research
centers, black-bloc (Antifa) networks, and bail funds are all finely
tuned to mobilize mass movements. The Left carefully manages its licit
and illicit factions: progressive political leaders tacitly delegate the
dirty work to anarchist and racialist factions, which can change
costumes — for example, from a BLM mask to a Palestinian keffiyeh — at
any moment.”

Rufo believes Republican elected officials need to prepare for likely
violence after the 2024 election.
