'Rivers in the sky' have drenched California, yet even more extreme rains are possible
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Leroy N. Soetoro
2024-06-07 22:10:11 UTC

For years, scientists have said that atmospheric rivers can either make
or break the water supplies of thirsty California cities and farms.

For the last two winters, a steady succession of these giant “rivers in
the sky” have dumped record-breaking and drought-busting precipitation
across the state, while simultaneously causing catastrophic floods,
landslides, and dangerous blizzards.

But now, new research has found that these recent atmospheric rivers
pale in comparison to some of the monster storms that battered ancient
California — a sobering revelation that suggests to some experts that
the state could be revisited once again by such cataclysmic storms.

“Our findings show that atmospheric river activity exceeds what has
occurred since instrumental record keeping began,” said Clarke Knight, a
U.S. Geological Survey research geographer and the lead author on the
study that detailed — for the first time — atmospheric river activity
dating back 3,200 years. “This is important because it suggests the
latent potential of our area to experience storms beyond those that we
have seen today.”

Although few people had even heard of atmospheric rivers just a couple
of decades ago, research into the mammoth vapor trails has proved
critical to California water planning and public safety.

The study’s findings do not bode well for a state whose flood
infrastructure was severely strained last year, when a train of
atmospheric rivers breached numerous levees, flooded communities and re-
filled once dry Tulare Lake. The findings also up the ante for state
efforts to capture stormwater as climate change causes more
precipitation to fall as rain instead of snow and ushers in a new era
of more frequent and prolonged drought.

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How climate change is disrupting California's storms
Here’s a look at how humanity’s heating of the planet affects
California’s storms, snowpack and more.

• California’s storms are projected to become more extreme »

• How the latest storms fueled California’s snowpack recovery »

• Tracking water supplies: How much water does the state have stored? »

• Read more Climate California coverage »

Knight and her fellow researchers arrived at their conclusion after
analyzing ancient layers of mud from Leonard Lake in Mendocino County.
The team was able to determine when more sediment had been pushed into
the lake, indicating periods of higher precipitation.

Then, using data for atmospheric rivers over the last 60 years, the
researchers found a “strong correlation” between their sediment findings
and modern storms, allowing them to model that link through the rest of
the mud layers to reconstruct historical atmospheric river activity,
Knight said. Their research was published Thursday in the journal

The research provides the most historical context to date for the
state’s rainfall variability, and found that the region “consistently
registered extreme precipitation over a 3,200-year period.”

Knight said this new hydrologic data can better inform climate modeling
and projections, providing a historical record 20 times longer than
what’s been available.

Although the team’s research focused on Northern California — where the
state typically sees the the most atmospheric rivers — she said it’s
fair to conclude that the southern half of the state would have seen
similarly extreme rainfall in its ancient climate given the widespread
effects of large atmospheric rivers.

Previous research has shown that the average atmospheric river
transports more than twice the flow of the Amazon River. The prospect
of even larger storms hitting California is a concerning one, experts

Daniel Swain, a UCLA climatologist who was not involved in the USGS
study, said the paper provides “direct physical evidence” of
atmospheric river activity more extreme than anything seen in recent
California history — well beyond the Great Flood of 1862, which
reconfigured the state’s landscape.

He said the research “re-emphasizes the perils of assuming that the
extremes we saw in the 20th century are representative of the kinds of
extremes that are possible in this part of the world.”

“It’s an indication that — even if we didn’t have to contend with
climate change — we should still be circumspect about the risks that
are posed by extremes because we know that the climate system ... can
throw big, bad things at us periodically,” Swain said. “I don’t find
that at all reassuring.”

The continuing climb of global average temperature due to humanity’s
burning of fossil fuels also threatens to exacerbate matters.

“Adding energy into the system through greenhouse gas emissions is
basically like shaking the soda can ... and adding a little bit more
energy into the system, allowing these extremes to be a little bit more
extreme,” said Cody Poulsen, a graduate student researcher at the
Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s Center for Western Weather and
Water Extremes, who also was not involved in the Nature study.

Swain has posited that every degree increase in global temperature
increases the risk of an “ARkStorm Scenario” — originally projected as a
once-in-a-thousand-years megaflood event. But these new USGS findings
may indicate that bad-case-scenario modeling isn’t extreme enough, he

For a state that is grappling with more frequent and severe periods of
drought, the last two wet winters have come as a rare bounty. However,
many Californians may be surprised to learn that these two wet seasons
fall within the realm of natural variability. They may also be surprised
to learn that this year has delivered more atmospheric rivers than the
previous year, which caused far more damage and disruption.

Recently, researchers confirmed that 51 atmospheric rivers hit the West
Coast during the 2023-24 rainy season — significantly more than the 38
atmospheric rivers that hit during the 2022-23 rainy season, according
to new data from the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes.

In California specifically, 44 atmospheric rivers made landfall from
October through March, up from 31 during last year’s rainy season, said
Chad Hecht, a center meteorologist.

But even though there were more atmospheric rivers this rainy season,
fewer of the storms measured strong or extreme on the center’s strength
scale compared to the season before that.

“It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality,” Hecht said.

For example, 12 strong, extreme or exceptional atmospheric river storms
hit California between October 2022 and March 2023. These heavier storms
tend to bring news-making rain and snow. This season, however, the state
recorded only five.

“If you compare it to last year, ... this [water] year was a couple of
strong storms, but it’s a lot more weaker,” Hecht said. “But the
abundance of weak-to-moderate [atmospheric rivers] kind of helped keep
us on trajectory to hit that normal [precipitation levels].”

As of this month, records for both statewide precipitation and the
snowpack across the Sierra Nevada stood at about 105% of average for
this time of year — which Hecht called shockingly close to average.

“This year was abnormally normal,” Hecht said. “We like to talk about
California being the land of extremes, where it’s either extremely dry
or extremely wet. This year was abnormal because it was fairly close to
normal through April 1,” the date that typically marks the end of
California’s wet season.

However, Southern California has seen a more anomalous water year, with
its yearly rainfall well over 140% of average across many coastal areas,
according to the California Water Watch.

Hecht said one strong, slow-moving atmospheric river in early February
had an outsized effect on the region’s rainfall, and he noted that many
areas were also hit by thunderstorms during what he called “overly
productive” weak atmospheric river storms.

The systems aren’t typically accompanied by thunderstorms, but several
systems were this season, driving locally historic rainfall and flash
flooding in several areas, including San Diego and Oxnard.

Hecht said it’s not immediately clear why so many atmospheric rivers
this season included thunderstorms, but he said higher ocean surface
temperatures — a signature of the El Niño weather pattern — could have
helped spur the unstable convective pattern.

Even with many water measurements pointing to an overall average water
year thus far, federal officials recently issued a major disaster
declaration for nine counties after the deadly February atmospheric
river storms.

Knowing that further rainfall extremes are possible, Swain said he hopes
state officials can better prepare for emergencies, or at least better
understand the possible risks.

“If we don’t correctly estimate the risk to begin with ... it’s awfully
hard to have an accurate discussion about costs and benefits of any
particular intervention,” Swain said.

But, he noted that climate change is still expected to further stretch
those natural extremes.

“It’s reasonable to interpret the 20th century as actually getting kind
of lucky in California, in the sense that we didn’t see something worse
... just through random, natural variability,” Swain said. “The 21st
century? It’s a heavily loaded die.”
We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
2024-06-08 16:27:02 UTC
“It’s reasonable to interpret the 20th century as actually getting kind
of lucky in California, in the sense that we didn’t see something worse
... just through random, natural variability,” Swain said. “The 21st
century? It’s a heavily loaded die.”
Guess what's in store next:

It's on, we're now in the early stages of a Heinrich Event leading up to
full glaciation shortly:

TRIPLE CATASTROPHE - 6000-Year Cycle Happening Now

Heinrich event ice discharge and the fate of the Atlantic Meridional
Overturning Circulation

HTTPS://ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-7365-1600Authors Info & Affiliations
30 May 2024
Vol 384, Issue 6699
pp. 983-986
DOI: 10.1126/science.adh8369

Editor’s summary
Will ice mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet caused by climate
warming disrupt large-scale ocean circulation? Zhou et al. reconstructed
iceberg production rates during the massive calving episodes of the last
glacial period, called Heinrich events, when icebergs did affect ocean
circulation. The authors found that present-day Greenland Ice Sheet
calving rates are as high as during some of those events.


A German scientist has echoed the warnings of the film The Day After
Tomorrow, finding that a major oceanic circulation system is becoming
more unstable – with concerning implications for the climate.

A study published in Nature Climate Change observes that the Atlantic
Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) – a massive ocean current
system that circulates through the Atlantic – may have been losing
stability over the past century, due to the influx of melted freshwater
into the ocean.

This is concerning because the AMOC is responsible for the Gulf Stream,
a swift current that brings warm water masses from tropical regions to
the northern hemisphere. Because it redistributes heat, this circulation
system is not only responsible for creating mild temperatures across
Europe but also influencing weather systems across the world.

“The Atlantic Meridional Overturning really is one of our planet’s key
circulation systems,” says Niklas Boers, the study’s author from the
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Free University Berlin
and Exeter University.

If it collapses, it could have impacts such as significantly cooling
Europe and affecting tropical monsoon systems.

“We already know from some computer simulations and from data from
Earth’s past, so-called paleoclimate proxy records, that the AMOC can
exhibit – in addition to the currently attained strong mode – an
alternative, substantially weaker mode of operation,” Boers says.


Machine-learning prediction of tipping and collapse of the Atlantic
Meridional Overturning Circulation
Shirin Panahi, Ling-Wei Kong, Mohammadamin Moradi, Zheng-Meng Zhai,
Bryan Glaz, Mulugeta Haile, Ying-Cheng Lai
Recent research on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
(AMOC) raised concern about its potential collapse through a tipping
point due to the climate-change caused increase in the freshwater input
into the North Atlantic. The predicted time window of collapse is
centered about the middle of the century and the earliest possible start
is approximately two years from now. More generally, anticipating a
tipping point at which the system transitions from one stable steady
state to another is relevant to a broad range of fields. We develop a
machine-learning approach to predicting tipping in noisy dynamical
systems with a time-varying parameter and test it on a number of systems
including the AMOC, ecological networks, an electrical power system, and
a climate model. For the AMOC, our prediction based on simulated
fingerprint data and real data of the sea surface temperature places the
time window of a potential collapse between the years 2040 and 2065.


Call it a cascade of calamitous events.

According to scientists, a “cold blob” of water has formed south of
Greenland. The blob’s origins can be traced to rapidly melting glaciers,
which in turn is the consequence of global warming. The blob could
impede the flow of the Gulf Stream, which carries warm water north. And
if that happens, the temperature in Europe may drop steeply, hurricanes
may become more intense, and sea levels on the East Coast of the United
States may rise even more rapidly than they are already.

“We’re all wishing it’s not true,” Peter de Menocal, a scientist at the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, told The New York Timesearlier
this month. “Because if that happens, it’s just a monstrous change.”

A monstrous change indeed — and one that we’ve known about for decades.
The possibility that climate change could flip and, in just a matter of
years, plunge part of the world into a new ice age is something that has
occasionally made its way into the media. Yet the world has done very
little about it.


Recently, John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, stated that,
"manmade global warming is the GREATEST SCAM IN HISTORY!"

He went on to add, "I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by this
theory of global warming based on fraudulent science."

He said this, folks, not me. (But, I certainly agree with Dr. Coleman.)

Coleman’s climatological opinion has been recently supported by a top
observatory that has been measuring a rather dramatic decrease in
sunspot activity. These scientists are predicting that global
temperatures will drop by at least two degrees in the next 20 years.

Our friend, Robert Felix, author of "Not By Fire, But By Ice," believes
that this significant cool down could possibly be the start of at least
another "Little Ice Age," possibly a new GREAT ICE AGE, which is overdue
following 11,500 years of generally warmer than normal global temperatures.

This latest period of naturally-occurring warming peaked a decade ago in
1998. It was the strongest such cycle of warming since the days of Leif
Ericcson around 1,000 A.D. At the time, the mighty Vikings were actually
farming parts of Greenland growing wheat, vegetables and raising cattle.
They actually grew tomatoes and grapes!

Robert Felix gives this warning: "Living in the northern U.S. could
eventually be hazardous to your health!"

He goes on to say, "the next major ice age could begin any day...next
week, next month or next year." (Get that snowblower tuned-up.)

Felix believes that someday soon we’ll be "buried beneath nine stories
of ice and snow as the bitter climate of Greenland descends upon Canada,
Britain, Norway, Sweden, the U.S. and other northern regions ---
practically overnight."

It’s all part of a dependable, predictable, natural cycle of climate
that returns "like clockwork" every 11,500 years.
